Thursday, June 23, 2016


I was forced to believe...

That being too nice to everyone has always been my downfall; that being optimistic (most of the time) in this cruel world is a wrong; that seeing the good side of people is a shortcoming and it's tantamount to naivety and stupidity.

That being sapiosexual is a curse as such interest in things that stimulate the brain cells is nonsense; that excelling in school is no longer quite apt for my age; that having extra curricular activities and joining competitions is a waste of time; that intelligent people are nothing but words and are useless to the society. (I still don't get the logic but, okay.)

That aiming high is too ambitious for a woman who has kids; that mediocrity is better than excellency.

That grooming and making myself pretty -- or at least presentable enough based on my standards as a woman -- is the same thing as making myself accessible to men in order to quench my thirst for attention.

And... I didn't know that receiving flowers from a complete stranger is automatically considered a fault and form of cheating.

I've entirely lost myself in the process just to prove my worth. Now I don't even know myself anymore.

But who says I'm giving up on life?

I'm getting my old self back.

And I hope you're happy with what you did.

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